Privacy Policy-English-|【公式サイト】渋谷駅 徒歩1分|ホワイトニングなら【さくらプラチナム歯科】

ご予約・お問い合わせ 03-6452-6588

診療 昼12:00-翌5:00 (電話 -翌2:00)

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Privacy Policy

At our clinic, we have established the following policy to ensure the proper handling of your personal information.

Collection and Handling of Personal Information

Our clinic clearly defines the purpose of use for the personal information we collect and obtains it only to the necessary extent through legal and fair means. The personal information provided will not be used for any purpose other than what is necessary for treatment.

Protection Measures for Personal Information

To prevent the leakage or loss of personal information, we take necessary and appropriate security management measures. Additionally, we have established a system to ensure responsibility within our clinic for the proper management of personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Information

As a general rule, we do not disclose personal information to anyone other than the individual concerned.

Use and Provision of Personal Information

Our clinic does not sell or rent the personal information we collect. However, personal information may be provided in the following cases:

  • When we have obtained the user’s consent.
  • When we receive a formal request based on the law from a public institution such as a court or the police.
  • When a company entrusted by our clinic needs the information to provide services to the user.
    (In this case, the company is also prohibited from using the personal information beyond the stated purpose.)