Official Website: English Version Now Available!|【公式サイト】渋谷駅 徒歩1分|ホワイトニングなら【さくらプラチナム歯科】

ご予約・お問い合わせ 03-6452-6588

診療 昼12:00-翌5:00 (電話 -翌2:00)

Official Website: English Version Now Available!
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  • Official Website: English Version Now Available!

We have launched an English-language website in response to the increasing number of inquiries from international visitors seeking dental treatment while traveling.

We remain committed to providing high-quality care and treatment to our valued Japanese patients, as always. Additionally, we are here to assist travelers with any dental or oral health issues they may encounter during their stay.

If you are an international visitor in need of dental care, please do not hesitate to contact us.

※The languages other than Japanese, we use a translation application to communicate, diagnose and explain.
※You can switch between Japanese and English from the Language option on the far right of the top menu or the Language option at the bottom of the menu opened by the three-line icon in the top right corner.





当院はこれからも、「美しさ」×「健康」であなたの笑顔をサポートする歯科医院として、都内最安値 医療ホワイトニングを始め「高い技術を、リーズナブルな価格で」を経営理念に、皆様にとって、より良い歯科医療の提供、愛される歯科医院づくりに努めます。

